
Over 50% of us sit down at work – 8/9 hours a day… and we all know this isn’t great for our upper body posture, but what about our lower posture? As we sit on our buttocks (glutes) for most of the day they become lazy.

It’s all the rage now to have big glutes and having strong buttocks can help us in so many ways! As we heel strike on walking one of the first muscle to activate should be our gluteal muscles, but commonly it’s our hamstrings or back muscles! Hence most of us suffering with tight backs and short hamstrings!

Just engaging your glutes through and gentle exercise before walking/running or training will help your body function more efficiently and reduce chance of injury I.E pulled hamstring and back spasms.

Try this exercise below. You can come to our fitness and therapy studio in Chichester and have a full body assessment to help with your training, injury prevention and improve your bodily health, through pilates, personal training and physiotherapy.




One leg kick …
An exercise aiming to train the balance between our glutes 🍑 & hamstrings.
It’s important to stabilise through the lumbar spine “tilt your tail bone towards your heels, feels a small lift of your hips/stomach away from the mat”
If your quite lordotic like me.. add a small 1 inch pillow towel under your front hips.

Final level also looks at upper back & neck stabilization


Dynamic Fitness and Therapy