Having lazy / under active gluteals can lead to back pain. In our Chichester Sports Therapy clinic i commonly see clients with back pain, who present with over active lower back muscles and either weak or lazy glutes. So alongside Sports therapy and deep tissue massage treatment in our Chichester clinic, i always supply Pilates style exercises in an effort to re-educate the body.
My Pilates class’s in Chichester and now my online Pilates class’s always include a good glute strengthening and awareness part within each session.
In the video below is a few exercises i used in my last two class’s i just taught and i really love it, it’s a great flowing combination, that gets you a good glute burn!
- Clamshell level 1, legs bent, feet inline with your back and spine inline. Keep your heels firmly together and float your top knee, ensuring not to let your hips drop back (this helps isolate the glute med and work it more efficiently)
- Clamshell with a hip lift, still keeping your hips nicely stacked.
- Clamshell level 2 (same as level 1, but with your feet in the air) i find you can get your top knee open a little more here, without letting your hips roll back (always imagine the hand on your top hip is your favorite drink you don’t want to fall off)
- Leg stretches in clamshell, hold your knees open without letting your top knee drop, stabilize at the hip as you kick the top leg long from the knee and then bend back, till your toes/heals tap
- leg lifts (with your leg in front) tap and lift the top foot, keeping the hips stacked throughout
- leg kick, point the toes away to draw the leg forward and then point the toes to your head to move your leg backwards, keep your core engaged to prevent your upper back from rocking/moving
Try X8-10 of each step and remember to do both sides!!