
Online Pilates classes, anytime, anywhere!

I have now created a space to hold my recorded Pilates live workouts, streamed from Chichester, so you can enjoy them anytime, anywhere!

Even though most of us are tearing our hair out in lock down, for some it has meant longer working days as we adapt to working from home (WFH). Some have babies to look after and children to school. Therefore committing to a certain day and time each week can seem stressful and that then defeats the object of Pilates, don’t you think? So i have created the online studio, so that everyone can join in with my Pilates in their own time.

Working from home, has meant a lot of my clients who i see in our Chichester sports therapy clinic have adapted to working from their sofas or dining tables and this has a big impact on posture! And what with all the sunny weather, we all seem to be gardening, so sore wrists, tired backs and tight necks have commonly been mentioned by my clients. So i hope with the continued support of my Chichester live Pilates classes, my clients and everyone else can have a handle on any aches and pains and keep those risks of injury down!

Start your Pilates journey with me today and join my online Pilates studio for just £5 a month, cancel anytime. Click the link below to browse through my studio!


Dynamic Fitness and Therapy