
I teach Pilates class in Chichester, always with an aim to improve posture and reverse those bad postures we are put in all day long. Along side doing Sports Therapy in Chichester, providing deep tissue massages for all those tight shoulders i see, i also like to supply my clients is see in our Chichester studio with exercises to help enhance their posture and keep on top of there now improved and less tight muscles.

Below is a short video of three of my favorite upper body posture exercises. These exercises focus on opening the front of shoulder and chest, focusing muscle activation through the lower to mid of your shoulder blades, and taking some attention away from the big muscles along the top of your shoulders to your neck. We are also working on controlled neck movement and spinal extension.

  1. Breast stroke prep level 2 with neck movement: Begin with your head one way and your lower body relaxed. Lift your chest and draw your shoulder blades down your back and gently towards one and other, palms facing in towards the body. Move your head to face to other direction, lower and repeat up to x10.
  2. Swan dive prep level 1: With your neck in line with the rest of your spine and your arms in L shapes (as shown in video), float your upper body, without pressing down too much on your arms or hands (focus on the upper back muscles lifting you). Maintain your neck inline throughout and shoulders away from your ears, repeat up to x10.
  3. Cobra: Then take the swan dive into a cobra, lifting your chest as before but this time allow your arms to lengthen (playing close attention to your shoulders, so that they don’t hunch up towards your ears) once your arms are fully extended look forwards and hold this posture for a breath in, then slowly lower rolling from your stomach back down to the floor repeat up to x4.

Dynamic Fitness and Therapy