
Scoliosis and Pilates

Can Pilates help with Scoliosis? YES!

Come and visit our Pilates studio in Chichester, where we can teach you Pilates to help you with Scoliosis

While it can’t reshape your spine, It can help you understand how scoliosis causes you pain and where its coming from, therefore you will be able to manage your pain better through the popular and well supported Pilates exercises.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a curve in your spine that adopts a slight S shape. Having this curve causes the muscles on one side of you spine to be lengthened and therefore weakened, and then on the opposite side, the muscles are shortened and typically tight.

How can Pilates help?

The curve can be either in your lumbar or thoracic regions of your spine or both. Pilates can help educate you on your curve, what muscles are weakened and need strengthening, what muscles are tight and need stretching and finally how to work on your pelvic floor to add support to your spine. Remember not every curve is the same, so having some tailor made home exercises is beneficial.

Here are some of my favourite exercises, but I wouldn’t advise them for more extreme cases of scoliosis, I would advise talking to your GP, physio or coming to see us before commencing.

No1. – Rib Hump stretch – I demonstrate a left rib hump stretch.

No2. Thigh stretch – good to open and stretch the anterior aspect of the spinal muscles

No3. The bridge, to strengthen the glutes and create movement throughout the spine.



Dynamic Fitness and Therapy