
Full body Pilates flow

I like to always see my clients enhancing in their Pilates practise in my Chichester Pilates classes. I always encourage people to advance their exercises every two weeks to allow them to continue progression and not plateau. I have found teaching online

Pilates for lower back pain

🤕LOWER BACK PAIN Back pain is commonly made worse when we become too afraid to move, in case we set our back pain off again! But gentle and controlled movements will help ease stiffness and re-educate your lower back (lumbar spine) to trust moveme

Online Booking for Pilates classes

Book NOW to join my online Pilates classes from Chichester. To make things a little easier for you… and me! You can now book in to the classes you wish to attend on a weekly basis through my online booking site. Classes are £5-6 each, but you can g

Online Pilates studio

Online Pilates classes, anytime, anywhere! I have now created a space to hold my recorded Pilates live workouts, streamed from Chichester, so you can enjoy them anytime, anywhere! Even though most of us are tearing our hair out in lock down, for some it h

Abdominal workout – Pilates scissors

All my Chichester Pilates class’s involve abdominal exercises. Pilates is mainly know for improving the pelvic floor! It’s the Pilates USP (unique selling point) In our Chichester Sports Therapy clinic, lower back pain must be over 60% of my w

Balance for Dynamic Pilates

Balance is such an important element of exercise to work on. In our Chichester Sports Therapy clinic part of most of our clients rehab always involves balance and this can be upper or lower body. We can loose balance through an injury, surgery or as we st

Glutes – side series No 1

Having lazy / under active gluteals can lead to back pain. In our Chichester Sports Therapy clinic i commonly see clients with back pain, who present with over active lower back muscles and either weak or lazy glutes. So alongside Sports therapy and deep

Pilates for posture

I teach Pilates class in Chichester, always with an aim to improve posture and reverse those bad postures we are put in all day long. Along side doing Sports Therapy in Chichester, providing deep tissue massages for all those tight shoulders i see, i also

Pilates with confidence

Pilates with confidence:  Pilates is becoming so popular due to its increased awareness to improve bodily health. It is a great compliment to anyone’s weekly training regime. Our instructors at Dynamic are sports physical therapist who works al

Dynamic Fitness and Therapy